Security & reliability

Do sells my pictures ?

Of course not ! All optimized pictures are stored for maximum 15 minutes, in order to be retrieved by the user. After this, files are automatically deleted. No other usage is done of the pictures.

So how can this service be free ? can provided this amazing service for free, because :

So this service can be trusted ?

Yes, for real ! As is based in France, under a legal autority, we can be meaningfully held to account.

What quality of service is provided ?

The FREE offer provide a 99.5% of reliability as it can be supervized here :

The Premium offer aims to provide a 99.99% of reliability, by the use of more complex server architectures (redundancy and more powerful machines).

The response time of the API is constantly monitored, to provide for small pictures (< 10 KB), an API response below 150 ms.