Main features

What does this amazing API ?

What is this Image Optimization API about ? provides a powerful RESTful JSON API, to optimize your pictures file size. Even if you already have "compressed" your pictures with your desktop apps like Photoshop or Gimp, can descrease the file size without reducing the quality. What's more, with the Pro offer, your images are also available in next generation pictures formats, such as WEBP.

The API can be easily tested by developers using this sandbox. Many integrations on the most common PHP CMS are already available.

A fully functionnal offer is available for FREE. For a more intense usage, consider our offers.

How does this work ?

The API allows reductions by using differents algorithms :

  • PNGQuant to strip unneeded chunks from PNGs. PNGQuant is a lossy compression library for PNG images. This library preserves a full alpha transparency. See for more informations.
  • JPEGOptim provides lossless optimization (based on optimizing the Huffman tables). JPEGOptim is one of the most efficient library for JPG conversion among JpegTrans, mozjpeg and jpegrescan. See for more informations.
  • OptiPNG is based on PNGCrush, and also includes part of PNGRewrite code for palette rewriting. Unlike PNGCrush, all trials are performed in memory, and it does some image reductions automatically. It's a PNG reducer that's used by lot of online optimizers. See for more informations.


Expected results

The use of our advanced API allows to obtain important file size savings. With a good quality level (> 80), a reduction of 80% of the file size can be expected, without visible image degradation.

The quality level can be customized between 0 (very weak) and 100 (best quality). A quality level between 80 and 95 will bring satisfying quality image and a good file size reduction. The default value provided by the API is set to 92.


Supported input formats

The following images formats are qualified for optimization :

  • JPG
  • PNG (with alpha support)
  • GIF (animated GIF unsupported)
  • BMP
  • TIFF


Supported output formats

Heavy pictures formats like BMP and TIFF are automatically converted to JPG. For others file format, the file format will be preserved.

The Premium offer allow to optimize in an extra picture format (WEBP) which is far more optimized than PNG or JPG. However, this file format isn't as widely supported by browsers than JPG or PNG


EXIF data

It's possible to remove EXIF data of pictures to have smaller files sizes. This option is activated by default, and can be disabled.


Limitations of the FREE API

The Free version of the API implies some limitations :

  • Maximum 5 MB per picture
  • No conversion in WebP (only for PREMIUM offers)